Storytelling & Book Design


My satirical book In vollen Zügen (Full Steam Ahead: A Typology of Train Travelers) has just been published by riva. Die Öblings kommen! (The Öbings Are Coming!), due to be released by Fischer Sauerländer, won me the “Meefisch” award for best German-language picture book. More children’s books are underway.

Clients for jacket cover designs and interior illustrations include Penguin Random House, Rowohlt, Chronicle Books, Piper, Carl Hanser, DVA, KiWi, Lübbe, Goldmann, Campus, dtv, Atrium, Chrismon, and Klett-Cotta.

I created the cover designs for bestselling authors like philosopher Richard David Precht (Wer bin ich – und wenn ja wie viele? / Who am I, and if So, How Many?), and historian Yuval Noah Harari (Eine kurze Geschichte der Menschheit / Sapiens: A Brief History of Manykind), as well as interior illustrations for TV presenter Jennifer Sieglar (Nie wieder keine Ahnung / Always in the Know), and flipbook animations for Ig Nobel Psychology Prize winners Christopher Chabris and Daniel Simons (Der unsichtbare Gorilla / The Invisible Gorilla).

Other authors include Woody Allen, Heinrich Böll, Peter Ustinov, Roald Dahl, Bettina Tietjen, Josef Joffe, Dirk Steffens, Gerhard Polt, Robert Gernhardt, Johann König, Mirjam Pressler, Willi Weitzel, T.C. Boyle, and Tom Buhrow.