History of Math


My children’s book Wie die Mathematik in die Welt kam (How Mathematics Came to Be) features a cross-over between hand drawings and collage to illustrate German author Rainer Kirsch’s whimsical poem from 1986.

It tells the story in funny verse of how things developed from the number one to higher mathematics, physics, and the world we live in today.

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Rainer Kirsch Oliver Weiss Wie die Mathematik in die Welt kam kinderbuch kinder buch bücher books children books for children Kinderbuch Kinderbücher Eulenspiegel Verlag handmade collage collage collage art analog collage collage artist cut and paste paper collage dada dadaism surrealism mixed-media mixed-media collage collage gallery surreal collage collage art handcut collage collage artwork mathematics mathematik rainer kirsch book illustrations Titeldesign Buchcover covers designs Titelbildgestaltung Buchtitel Coverentwicklung Coverdesigns Titel Buchverlag Bücher
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