A Brief History
of Mankind


Penguin Random House

I created the cover art for Eine kurze Geschichte der Menschheit (Sapiens: A Brief History of Manykind) that shows a globe crowed with hundreds of people, with objects of humanity spread across.

The book has been published in a variety of editions by Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt (DVA), Pantheon, and Penguin (all imprints of Penguin Random House).

How did homo sapiens conquer earth? When did money, states and religion appear, and why? How did science and capitalism become the dominant creeds of the modern era? What are the chances that homo sapiens will still be around in a hundred years? – These are just some of the topics tackled in this international bestseller by Yuval Noah Harari.

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Yuval Noah Harari Eine kurze Geschichte der Menschheit history mankind civilization archaeology anthropology prehistory ancient history humanity timeline evolution stone age bronze age iron age middle ages renaissance industrial revolution world war ancient cultures artifacts societies peoples empires wars revolutions political economic social cultural historical events figures preservation analysis interpretation context narrative book illustrations Titeldesign Buchcover covers designs Titelbildgestaltung Buchtitel Coverentwicklung Coverdesigns Titel Buchverlag Bücher
Penguin paperback special edition
history mankind civilization archaeology anthropology prehistory ancient history humanity timeline evolution stone age bronze age iron age middle ages renaissance industrial revolution world war ancient cultures artifacts societies peoples empires wars revolutions political economic social cultural historical events figures preservation analysis interpretation context narrative book illustrations Titeldesign Buchcover covers designs Titelbildgestaltung Buchtitel Coverentwicklung Coverdesigns Titel Buchverlag Bücher
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Buchtrailer zu Yuval Noah Harari “Eine kurze Geschichte der Menschheit” (DVA).
(c) literaturfilm/Penguin Random House Verlagsgruppe GmbH