These postcards are printed on thick paper, and intended for writing and mailing with or without an envelope. Send a handwritten quick note to a loved-one in this digital age!
- Pack of 8 Cards
- Regular Uncoated Postcard
(2 Pages), Writable on Both Sides
- Card size is 105 x 148mm
(4.1 x 5.8 in.)
- Heavy, slightly cream-colored designer’s paper (300 g/m2)
Are you searching for an unusual illustrated art postcard for your collection? This “We Fish You Good Luck” postcard is a great option, featuring a frog, fish, bear, bird, and butterfly, along with heart-shaped speech bubbles on the front. The card is different from your typical postcard in that both the front and back sides are uncoated, allowing you to personalize it with messages, greetings, names, or doodles. It’s perfect for sending to a loved one as a new year card, birthday card, or to commemorate a special occasion.
Birthday, Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Easter, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Thanksgiving, Graduation, New Year, Wedding, Baby Shower, Get Well Soon, Sympathy, Congratulations, greeting cards, artistic, postcards, creativity, handcrafted, designs, illustrations, collectibles, mail art, correspondence, vintage, souvenirs, stationery, paper culture, decorative, miniature art, ephemera, written messages, personalized, picture postcards, writing, calligraphy, correspondence, communication, Memory, Travel, Souvenir, Nostalgia, Decoration, Collection, Expressions, Tradition, Sentiment, Celebration, Reminder, Personal Touch, künstlerische Postkarten, Kreativität, handgefertigt, Designs, Illustrationen, Sammlerstücke, Mail-Art, Korrespondenz, Andenken, Schreibwaren, Papierkultur, dekorativ, geschriebene Nachrichten, personalisiert, Bildpostkarten, Geburtstag, Heirat, Hochzeit, Grußkarten, Kommunikation, Gruß, Erinnerung, Reise, Souvenir, Nostalgie, Dekoration, Sammlung, Geburtstag, Weihnachten, Valentinstag, Ostern, Muttertag, Vatertag, Erntedankfest, Abschluss, Neujahr, Hochzeit, Baby-Dusche, Gute Besserung, Mitgefühl, Glückwünsche, Geburtstag, Weihnachten, Valentinstag, Ostern, Muttertag, Vatertag, Thanksgiving, Abschlussfeier, Neujahr, Hochzeit, Babyparty, Gute Besserung, Beileid, Glückwünsche